
DIY Reusable Makeup Remover Rounds

DIY Reusable Makeup Remover Rounds

"When we were staying in Provincetown way back in January, I noticed something at our hotel that blew my mind. It was a washcloth made just for makeup removal. It had two different sides – one that was black (for mascara and eyeliner), and one that was a neutral brown (for foundations and powders).

Of course, it took me a second to realize that this wasn't really for me – it was probably intended for drag performers – but I really enjoyed using it nonetheless. At home, I use reusable makeup remover pads that I sewed out of white hand towels. (I use them with homemade cleanser or this souvenir from Paris.) Industrious, penny-pinching? Sure. Smart?

Wellll... It didn't take long for those things to be permanently stained with makeup. Smears of black and brown make them look shabby and dirty, even when they're clean. So I decided to make my own reversible makeup pads that have (hooray!) been hiding nasty old makeup."

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Sewn byMachine

Materials List

  • Two hand towels: one black, and one that matches your foundation or powder
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins

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