
Long Stemmed Fabric Flowers

By: Anj for Snowy Bliss

Make a thrifty but beautiful project by turning your fabric scraps into Long Stemmed Fabric Flowers. With an assortment of fabrics and a special arrangement, these easy fabric flowers are sure to put a smile on your face. Learn how to make fabric flowers that will bloom year-round when you sew up these DIY fabric flowers. This gorgeous idea is unlike any flower tutorial you have ever seen. These flowers would look great as a centerpiece, on your nightstand, or even adorning your entryway.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteWeekend project

Sewn byMachine

For more fabric flower projects, check out 25 Easy Fabric Flower Patterns.

What You Can Do with Your Leftover Fabric with Scrap Busters

This sewing project called Long Stemmed Fabric Flowers is a great way to get rid of your fabric scraps from other projects. Even if you're a beginner sewist and you haven't made a lot of projects, you can use fabric from clothing and other items made from textiles to make something completely new without having to buy fabric. Let's face it, the nice and never-used or worn fabrics that you can buy from stores can be expensive.

If sewing is a hobby, you don't want to put all the money in your pocket towards it. A great way to save money is to look for scrap busters, which are projects that you can re-use fabric and textiles from projects you've made and are too small to make another project from. Don't waste the scraps of fabric that you spent good money on! To be an even more thrifty sewist, you can grab those old pair of jeans that are well-worn or have a stain somewhere and cut them up to make something completely new! Scrap busters can save you a ton of money in the long run as well as space for storing your scraps.



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