
Easy Sock Snowman Tutorial

This sock snowman DIY is fun for the whole family! Make these thrifty creations for winter with little or no sewing.

By: Jenny Bowden, Editor,
Easy Sock Snowman Tutorial

Christmas decorations can get expensive, especially if you like to go all out for the holidays. That's why we love being able to DIY some of our decorations for the winter. Even better if you can use what you have and get the kids involved.

That's why we are obsessed with these easy sock snowmen! Not only can you use up your old socks and notions from your sewing room, but it's also super simple to create as many of these guys or gals as you want. There's no need of a pattern for sock snowman, either, so it's easy peasy.

Follow our Easy Sock Snowman Tutorial and see how easily you can make your own. These can be low-sew or no-sew, depending on your skill level and time commitment.

So, take a trip around the house with the kids and gather the materials, then get ready to have some sock snowman fun! These sock snowman instructions are straightforward and allow you to use your creativity for a personal touch for your snowman-themed DIY Christmas decorations. 

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Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Sewn byHand

Materials List

  • 1 white sock
  • 1 colored sock for the hat
  • Rice for filling
  • Rubber bands
  • Buttons
  • Ribbons/yarn/fabric
  • Glue gun
  • Black sewing straight pins
  • Fabric paint or markers

Easy Sock Snowmen

How to Make a Snowman From Socks:

  1. First, find a few white socks to use for your snowman body. We prefer men’s crew socks, but any white sock will work fine.

  2. Next, cut the sock just above the heel.

  3. Turn the sock inside out and tightly close the top of the sock using a rubber band.

  4. Turn the sock right side out and fill with rice. I used a small measuring spoon, but a regular spoon also works. 

  5. Once you’re happy with the size of your snowman, tie the top of your sock with a rubber band.

  6. To form the body and head of the snowman, take another rubber band and tie it around the middle, a bit closer to the top (since you want the top part to be a little smaller for his head).

  7. Now, it’s time to decorate your rice sock snowman! Cut the toe off a colored sock (we used grey) to create a small hat for him/her. You could also use the heel part of the sock, or a baby sock. Roll up the ends to create a rim. Feel free to secure it safely using a bit of hot glue, or just let the hat rest on his head.

  8. To add a scarf, tie a piece of ribbon, fabric, or yarn around his neck. You could also cut a small piece of the colored sock if you want the hat and scarf to match.

  9. Add buttons to your snowman using a hot glue gun or double-sided tape.

  10. Once your snowman is decorated to your liking, it’s time to bring him to life! There are a few different ways you can add a face:

    • -Eyes: We used black sewing pins for the eyes. Other options include painting them on with fabric paint, drawing them on with permanent marker, or sewing on small black beads.
    • -Nose: We painted our nose on with orange fabric paint. Other options include: orange sewing pin, orange pom poms, orange painted toothpicks, orange marker, etc.
    • -Other ideas: you could always draw or paint on a mouth, use a pink crayon to add some rouge to the cheeks, or add toothpicks or sticks for arms. We added small pom poms to the hat, and I have also seen people use striped or argyle patterned socks for snowman clothing. The options are truly endless! Use whatever you have lying around the house – anything goes with these cute no-sew snowmen!

Easy Sock Snowman Video Tutorial:

If you're a visual learner, then check out this video of Jenny making the snowmen on AllFreeSewing's Facebook page:

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