Zippy Wine Bottle Cover
When it comes to free wine sack sewing projects, you won't find one more festive than this glitzy Coats and Clark pattern. Featuring a metallic fashion zipper and red velvet material, this free wine tote pattern makes a perfect holiday gift.
- Coats Fashion Zipper, Closed Bottom Metallic, 9” Gold
- (9440)
- Dual Duty XP general purpose thread, match to fabric
- Coats Metallic Thread, Gold (9440)
- Red Velveteen, ½ yard or fat quarter
Cutting: Trace around the bottom of the bottle. Add ½" seam allowance. Cut 1 from fabric. Measure around the bottle and add 1” (Width). Measure the height of the bottle and add 2” (Height). Cut a rectangle the Width x Height of bottle.
Measure the neck of the bottle. Mark a line across the width of the rectangle the length of the neck from the top edge. Set machine for a gathering stitch and sew across rectangle on marked line. Secure one end of stitching by tying threads. Pull to gather. Secure other end.
On one long side of the rectangle, mark the length of the zipper. Fold the rectangle right sides together and sew from mark to lower edge. At the mark, clip the seam allowance. Below the mark press the seam allowance open. Above the mark, press the seam allowance not sewn open to the fabric right side.
Right sides together, pin the bottom circle to the bottom of the cover. Stitch. Clip seam and turn to right side.
TIP: Make a small clip at the half and quarter points on the circle by folding the circle in half and then in quarters. Do this on the cover as well, with the seam being one of the points. Align these marks when pinning in place.
Lay the zipper over the seam allowances that are pressed to the right side of the cover. Unzip the zipper and pin in place on one side of cover. Thread top of machine with metallic thread. Place zipper foot on machine.
Stitch from the top of zipper ¼” from zipper teeth as far as possible to the bottom of the zipper being careful not to catch the other side. Zipper should be open. Repeat on the other side.
- Thread machine with general purpose thread. Turn cover to wrong side. Leave zipper open. Pin top edges together and stitch. Turn to right side.
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